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An error has occurred when reading existing sub-variable "productAttributeTypeOptions"; see cause exception! The type of the containing value was: extended_hash+string ( wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel)

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: #if item.productAttributeTypeOptions?... [in template "sys/functions/item.ftl" in function "getProductAttributeTypeOptions" at line 138, column 9]
- Reached through: @itemListElement_extended item=item [in template "sys/itemlistview-list.ftl" at line 32, column 33]
- Reached through: #include "/sys/${ [in template "sys/macros/itemlist.ftl" in macro "itemList" at line 5, column 17]
- Reached through: @itemList itemListViewModel=(itemList... [in template "sys/search-result.ftl" at line 59, column 25]
- Reached through: #include "${metaViewModel.ftlInclude}" [in template "master.ftl" at line 11, column 41]
(Hidden 10 "~" lines for terseness)

An error has occurred when reading existing sub-variable "flatAttributes"; see cause exception! The type of the containing value was: extended_hash+string ( wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel)

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: #assign basicPriceAttributes = itemVi... [in template "sys/macros/item.ftl" in macro "printPricePerUnit" at line 199, column 5]
- Reached through: @printPricePerUnit itemViewModel=item... [in template "sys/macros/item.ftl" in macro "printItemPrice" at line 137, column 41]
- Reached through: @printItemPrice itemViewModel=item sh... [in template "sys/macros/itemlist.ftl" in macro "itemListElement_extended" at line 70, column 33]
- Reached through: @itemListElement_extended item=item [in template "sys/itemlistview-list.ftl" at line 32, column 33]
- Reached through: #include "/sys/${ [in template "sys/macros/itemlist.ftl" in macro "itemList" at line 5, column 17]
- Reached through: @itemList itemListViewModel=(itemList... [in template "sys/search-result.ftl" at line 59, column 25]
- Reached through: #include "${metaViewModel.ftlInclude}" [in template "master.ftl" at line 11, column 41]
(Hidden 10 "~" lines for terseness)

An error has occurred when reading existing sub-variable "productAttributeTypeOptions"; see cause exception! The type of the containing value was: extended_hash+string ( wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel)

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: #function getEECitemVariants(productA... [in template "sys/macros/tracking.ftl" in function "getEECitemVariants" at line 199, column 1]
- Reached through: ${gettrackingEEC_item(itemViewModel, ... [in template "sys/macros/tracking.ftl" in macro "trackingEEC_item" at line 79, column 36]
- Reached through: @trackingEEC_item itemViewModel=item [in template "sys/macros/itemlist.ftl" in macro "itemListElement_extended" at line 72, column 13]
- Reached through: @itemListElement_extended item=item [in template "sys/itemlistview-list.ftl" at line 32, column 33]
- Reached through: #include "/sys/${ [in template "sys/macros/itemlist.ftl" in macro "itemList" at line 5, column 17]
- Reached through: @itemList itemListViewModel=(itemList... [in template "sys/search-result.ftl" at line 59, column 25]
- Reached through: #include "${metaViewModel.ftlInclude}" [in template "master.ftl" at line 11, column 41]
(Hidden 10 "~" lines for terseness)

The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> gettrackingEEC_item(itemViewModel, index) [in template "sys/macros/tracking.ftl" at line 79, column 38]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: ${gettrackingEEC_item(itemViewModel, ... [in template "sys/macros/tracking.ftl" in macro "trackingEEC_item" at line 79, column 36]
- Reached through: @trackingEEC_item itemViewModel=item [in template "sys/macros/itemlist.ftl" in macro "itemListElement_extended" at line 72, column 13]
- Reached through: @itemListElement_extended item=item [in template "sys/itemlistview-list.ftl" at line 32, column 33]
- Reached through: #include "/sys/${ [in template "sys/macros/itemlist.ftl" in macro "itemList" at line 5, column 17]
- Reached through: @itemList itemListViewModel=(itemList... [in template "sys/search-result.ftl" at line 59, column 25]
- Reached through: #include "${metaViewModel.ftlInclude}" [in template "master.ftl" at line 11, column 41]
(Hidden 10 "~" lines for terseness)
